copyCells method
It takes two lists of pairs of integers, and returns a string that represents the code that will be executed by the interpreter
Args: origins (List<Pair<int, int>>): The list of cells that will be copied. destinations (List<Pair<int, int>>): The list of cells to be copied to.
String copyCells(
List<Pair<int, int>> origins,
List<Pair<int, int>> destinations,
) {
final List<String> copyCommandsBuffer = List<String>.from(
final List<String> destinationPosition = <String>[];
for (final Pair<int, int> i in destinations) {
destinationPosition.add("${rows[i.first]}${i.second + 1}");
String code = "";
if (copyCommandsBuffer.isNotEmpty) {
final String firstDestination =
copyCommandsBuffer.removeAt(0).replaceAll(RegExp("[go()]"), "");
destinationPosition.insert(0, firstDestination);
code = "COPY({${copyCommandsBuffer.joinToString(separator: ",")}},"
"{${destinationPosition.joinToString(separator: ",")}})";
} else {
final List<String> originsPosition = <String>[];
for (final Pair<int, int> i in origins) {
originsPosition.add("${rows[i.first]}${i.second + 1}");
code = "COPY({${originsPosition.joinToString(separator: ",")}},"
"{${destinationPosition.joinToString(separator: ",")}})";
return code;