validatePosition method

  1. @override
bool validatePosition(
  1. int row,
  2. int column

The function validates if a given position is within a specific range.

Args: row (int): The "row" parameter represents the row index of a position in a grid or matrix. It is used to check if the given row is within a valid range and if it falls within a specific region of the grid. column (int): The "column" parameter represents the column index of a position in a grid or matrix.

Returns: The method is returning a boolean value. It returns true if the given position (row, column) is valid, and false otherwise.


bool validatePosition(int row, int column) {
  if (row > 5 || row < 0 || column > 5 || column < 0) {
    return false;

  if ((row < 2 || row > 3) && (column < 2 || column > 3)) {
    return false;

  return true;