splitCommand function

List<String> splitCommand(
  1. String command

It splits a string into a list of strings, but it ignores commas and parentheses that are inside curly braces

Args: command (String): The command to be split.

Returns: A list of strings.


List<String> splitCommand(String command) {
  final List<String> splitted = <String>[];
  int start = 0;
  int open = 0;
  bool square = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < command.length; i++) {
    if (open == 0) {
      square = false;
    if ((command[i] == "(" || command[i] == ")" || command[i] == ",") &&
        !square) {
      splitted.add(command.substring(start, i).trim());
      start = i + 1;
    if (command[i] == "{") {
      square = true;
    } else if (command[i] == "}") {

  return splitted.where((String element) => element.isNotEmpty).toList();